
The Street Range or generating distance from Chandigarh to
Solan is 72 km and also depends on road and traffic conditions.

Climate And Weather of Solan

Total Area Covered in Solan 77.15E(Longitude) 30.92N (Latitude)

The Street Range or generating distance from Chandigarh to Solan is 72 km and also depends on road and traffic conditions.

Aerial Distance(Type): 35 kms(Distance)
Road Distance(Type): 66 kms(Distance)

Here is the Chart below which shows the distance between Different Cities to SOLAN

Chandigarh to Solan (Delhi is approx.250 km from Chandigarh)
Stations Distance (kms) Petrol Pump Height (mtrs) Total Distance Status
Chandigarh — Yes 0365 — City
Parwanoo 28 Yes —- 028 Town
Dharampur 25 Yes —- 053 Town
Barog 09 No 1680 062 Village
Solan 08 Yes 1440 070 Town

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