Hang Gliding

A hang-glider is quite heavy
(almost 55 kg in weight), bulky, and much complicated object.

Most Famous Adventure Activities in Himachal Pradesh

A hang-glider is quite heavy (almost 55 kg in weight), bulky, and much complicated object. It takes around 2 hours to open the glider and almost the same time to pack it. The technicalities are more complex than, say, a para-glider and the risks more. But, then, what is in adventure if some element of risk is not involved? This is the only reason that this game is still quite popular despite so many new versions coming out. The joy of flying in the sky just like a bird is unparalleled and enormous.

Basic equipment necessary for hang gliding

Major equipments that you require for hang-gliding are a good hang-glider, a safety helmet, harness, and life jacket. Quality hang-gliding equipment with inbuilt safety features of international standards is available in India.

Major Destinations For Hang-Gliding

Billing (8,500 feet) in Kangra valley in Himachal Pradesh has been the venue for hang-gliding rallies offering opportunities for excellent flying. Billing offers 100 km of up and down, and cross-country flights. Dharamkot (11,800 feet), situated near Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh), is another good place for hang-gliding in Himachal Pradesh. It requires a 2-km trek from the nearest road head to reach this place.

Best Time For Hang-Gliding

India is a vast country with different geographical zones. These zones also have different climatic conditions that allow a variance in the climate of the country. This variance gives the aero-sports enthusiast ample opportunities to participate in their favorite sports all through the year. Hang-gliding is much like the flight of a bird. You are attached to a kite-like object (though much bigger and heavier in size and weight), negotiate the height, wind, and weather, and fly down the slope. The most important parts in this process are the taking off and landing. The process involves gradual gain or loss of altitude after the pilot takes off with his wings from a hilltop or any other place with a good altitude.

The pilot can extend his flight by ridge soaring, thermal soaring or sea frontals. With the coming of new techniques like aero-towing and flatland landing, gliding from the places with low altitudes are also possible.What do you require to be a hang-glider? Not much if you have love for your life and the determination to save yourself. To be a perfect glider, you need to have a learned skill of gliding, i.e., how to launch yourself, how to move yourself with the glider in the air, a good condition that can make your flight successful (the ability to recognize one will come with time and experience), and the art of landing safely.


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