
Kangra area of Himachal Pradesh is situated in Western Himalayas


Kangra area of Himachal Pradesh is situated in Western Himalayas between 31°2 to 32°5 N and 75° to 77°45 E. Kangra area contains an position of 5,739 sq km geographically, which comprises 10.31%. (Approximation)
Distance Between Himachal Pradesh to Kangra Himachal Pradesh by road: 178 km Travel Time From Himachal Pradesh to Kangra Himachal Pradesh by road: about 3 hours(approx) Distances from the rest of the cities are below.

Distance from Kangra

Stations Distance (kms) Petrol Pump Height (mtrs) Total Distance Status
McLeodganj 029 Yes — 029 City
Dharamshala 091 Yes — 091 City
Dalhousie 135 Yes — 135 City
Chamba 173 Yes — 173 City
Chandigarh 231 Yes — 231 City
Mandi 257 Yes — 257 City
Delhi 480 Yes — 480 City

Chandigarh to Kangra

Stations Distance (kms) Petrol Pump Height (mtrs) Total Distance Status
Chandigarh — Yes 0365 — City
Ropar 45 Yes —- 045 Town
Kiratpur 35 Yes —- 075 Town
Anandpur 10 Yes —- 085 Town
Nangal 23 Yes —- 108 Town
Una  18 Yes —- 126 Town
Amb 32 Yes —- 158 Small Town
Mubarakpur 04  Yes —- 162 Small Town
Bharwain 13 Yes —- 175 Village
Dehra 20 Yes —- 195 Small Town
Ranital 20 Yes 0550 215 Small Town
Kangra 16 Yes  0760 231 Town
Kangra GUIDE

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